Saturday, February 6, 2010

Just choose.....

My least favorite exercises today.....front squats and pullups. I beat my personal record and maxed out at 85 lbs for the front squats. The next task was 100 pullups!!!! So I thought..well I will try to do 60 pullups with a band and then move to body rows. The class was a little tight today so I asked the gal beside me (Karen) if I would be in her way if I switched to body rows. She said..."Just do pullups Kelly"...and I did...I did 100 pullups with the band in 12 minutes and 38 seconds.
Now that got me thinking of not setting yourself up for less than you. If I can do 100 pullups with the blue band, I might be able to do 100 pullups with the green band. So it takes me a little longer, I know that I can do it. So I officially declare today as "No more blue band" day!!! Just like when I started paleo it was no more dairy or wheat day....I just need to choose and not look back. Not let anything that I have done in the past influence what I can do now. I get to choose.......

5x3 front squats max 85 lbs
100 pullups in 12:38


  1. What an awesome post Kelly! Kipping pullups is still a major goat of mine & I think always will be, so I know where you're coming from! So much of CrossFit is mental & overcoming those barriers is harder than overcoming the physical ones sometimes.

  2. Go GIRL....i remember the days...well years with the band and then...I remember the day NO MORE BAND!!!

    you go girl!!!
